
Scunthorpe & District


Interest groups are the backbone of the u3a.They can be purely social groups like a Lunch club or of a more serious nature where like minded members meet to share their skills and learn new ones. No prior knowledge is needed and you don’t have to be an expert in the subject. Knowledge is pooled and shared and this social element is fundamental to who we are. Meetings are informal, friendly and often punctuated with a lot of laughter.

As a member of Scunthorpe & District u3a, you are free to join as many (or as few) of our groups as you want. We have agreed with our near neighbours, North Lindsey u3a, that Scunthorpe members can attend their Interest groups and their members can join ours, providing there is space. For more information go to North Lindsey u3a

We have also started a new initiative with North Lindsey to set up joint interest groups. Where a group is designated as this type of group      (for example *Archery*) both sets of members have equal rights to attend.

Please remember you do need to be a u3a member to attend any interest group. ( A member can bring a carer if needed).

A full list of our groups can be found below. Click on the group for further details and to send a message to the group leader.

Scunthorpe & District u3a is part of the Third Age Trust who run a series of online learning events and online courses. Have a look at their two websites for further information.


Groups listed alphabetically